martes, 23 de junio de 2009

Our learning proccess

All people need to process the informacion. this take time...some times more , some times less, but always is necesary. the application of the exams in a certain time can not be good for all people.
the last days in my english course the teachers gave us a lot infirmation, and I feel we don't have time to proccess it. Is very importante that in the school, principals and teachers put atention in this situation, because this can to be cause than some students have failure fillings causing left the school.

1 comentario:

  1. All people need to process the informacion. this take time...some times more , some times less, but (it is)always necesary. the application of the exams in a certain time can not be good for all people.
    the last days in my english course the teachers gave us a lot information, and I feel we don't have time to proccess it. (It is) very important that in the school, principals and teachers (pay) attention (to) this situation, because this can cause that some students have (bad notes)(so they leave school).
